If you lived in Los Angeles County and the surrounding area long enough, chances are you’ve experienced a minor earthquake. A massive, powerful seismic can occur at any moment, so it’s best to be prepared for seismic-related gas leaks and fires with an earthquake shut-off valve.

With an earthquake shut-off valve, you can protect yourself and your home from further seismic-related damage. At Monkey Wrench, we’ve installed thousands of earthquake shut-off valves from Ventura all the way down to Orange County to give homeowners peace of mind during unexpected seismic emergencies.

There is no doubt about the importance of seismic shut-off valves, and in this article, we’ll explain what they are, how they work, and how they can be reset. 

Let’s get started!


What Is an Earthquake Shut-Off Valve?

Also known as a seismic natural gas shut-off valve, an earthquake gas shut-off valve is a motion-sensing device designed to shut off a home’s access to natural gas in the event of an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.4 or more. There’s a high chance of gas pipes breaking during an earthquake, which can leak gas, cause fire, or explode, resulting in further damage to your home and cause minor to fatal injuries. 

This device is installed right after the gas meter at the beginning of a home’s gas line so it can immediately stop the flow of natural gas entering a home. The emergency shut-off valve comes in different diameter sizes so that it can be properly fitted into a home’s gas line pipes horizontally, vertically, or at a 90-degree angle. 

Most of the seismic gas shut-off valves installed in Los Angeles are from Little Firefighter, one of the most popular brands in the industry. Still, regardless of who manufactures your home’s particular shut-off valve, all newly constructed homes in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas are required to have this device installed to prevent the high risk of gas leaks and fires after an earthquake.

SoCal Gas recommends hiring a professional technician to install a shut-off valve, which can take a few hours to complete. With their expertise and resources, a technician can install the valve without damaging your gas meter and stay compliant with any regulations from SoCal Gas and the city of Los Angeles.

So now you know what an earthquake shut-off valve is, but how exactly do they work?


How Does an Earthquake Shut-Off Valve Work?

Seismic emergency shut-off valves are motion sensing, so they activate the moment they detect significant seismic activity. Here’s a closer look at how these valves work.

  • Each earthquake gas shut-off valve has a seismic sensor that is sensitive to ground movements.
  • When an seismic activity occurs, the sensor is triggered, and the shut-off valve is activated.
  • Some valves contain a ball that is dislodged from its normal position and moves to cover the gas flow
  • Other valves have a shaft that closes off the flow of gas.
  • The seismic gas shut-off valve will remain off until it is reset.

In case of an earthquake, it’s best to keep it shut off since there’s a high chance of aftershocks. If you plan to have access to natural gas again, you’ll need to reset your shut-off valve, but only with the help of a professional.


How to Reset My Earthquake Shut-Off Valve?

Although there are plenty of videos online showing how to reset your earthquake shut-off valve, it’s highly advised to contact a professional or SoCal Gas to come and do it for you. 

These professionals can inspect to ensure there aren’t any gas leaks before resetting the natural gas meter.

It’s important to note that after a major earthquake, it may take days or weeks before someone can come and reset your natural gas access. 

There are a few instances where the earthquake shut-off gas valve was accidentally triggered.

  • Vibrations from nearby heavy construction
  • Accidental bumps by pets or gardening tools

If this occurs, you’ll still need to contact a professional to come and reset it. To prevent these scenarios from happening, you may want to get an earthquake stabilizer bracket installed. This device can keep a shut-off valve from accidental triggers.


Does My Home Need an Earthquake Shut-Off Valve?

Every home in an area along seismic faults should have an earthquake shut-off valve installed. If you have an older home without one, then after reading this article, you should see why having one is vital. It can protect your home and your family from any harm from earthquake-related gas leaks or fires.

Since 2007, we’ve installed emergency shut-off valves all over Los Angeles. Even though there hasn’t been a high-magnitude earthquake, we know the importance of protecting your home and one another from seismic-related damage by installing a crucial seismic shut-off valve. 

If you’re interested in an earthquake shut-off valve installation or a simple gas line inspection, contact us using one of the buttons below. You can also book an appointment directly through our online gas line repair scheduler

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