Nothing is more dreadful than dealing with a broken or worn-out air conditioning unit in the middle of hot weather. As you wipe the sweat off your forehead, you wonder whether getting a new one is worth it. To make your decision easier, there are common signs that it’s time for an AC replacement. 

There are different signs that indicate an AC needs to be replaced, and at Monkey Wrench, we’ve seen them all. Since 2007, we’ve serviced, repaired, and installed air conditioners all over Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. Our experience, combined with training from the top air conditioner brands, has shown us what symptoms almost always confirm that it’s time for an AC replacement. 

The top signs that it’s time to replace your AC are:

  • Age
  • Lack of cool air or insufficient airflow
  • Frequent repairs
  • Loud noises
  • High energy bills

In this article, we’ll dive into each sign and how it’s a major symptom of AC replacement. At the end of this article, you’ll have a more confident understanding of these signs, so you can start to think about a new replacement.

Let’s dive in!


How Do I Know if My AC Unit Needs Replacing?

The best way to confirm whether it’s time to replace your AC is to have a technician check the status of your current system. With their tools and resources, a technician can determine whether replacing your AC is best.

The first sign that your AC needs replacing is its age, which we’ll cover in the next section.


Your AC’s Age 

Your air conditioning system can last 15 to 20 years, but many technicians may recommend replacing it after 10 years of operation. As your AC gets older, it can be prone to breakdowns and a loss in efficiency. As your AC loses cooling efficiency, it will require more energy to cool your home properly.

Even if you have kept up with your AC’s annual maintenance, many internal parts can experience normal wear and tear. Some parts, like the compressor and condenser, are crucial in creating cool air and can cost over $1,000 to repair and replace. Instead of investing in these expensive parts for an old AC, you can use those funds to replace a new cooling system. 

Older AC units are also more likely to experience some of the issues that indicate it’s time for an AC replacement, such as a lack of cool air or bad airflow.


Lack of Cool Air or Bad Airflow

Your air conditioner’s purpose is to keep your home cool, but if there’s a major problem with its ability to produce cool air or if it has bad airflow, it may be time to consider replacing it. If the temperature on your thermostat doesn’t match the temperature inside as your AC is running, then there could be a problem with the AC.

Even if your AC is blowing cool air, it may not be able to distribute cool air evenly throughout your home properly. There could be a number of reasons why your AC isn’t blowing cool air or struggles to blow any at all. One of those reasons could be that a refrigerant leak forbids the unit from cooling.

It’s recommended that you contact a technician to inspect the issue further. The problem may be related to the ductwork or a major failure in your AC that requires you to replace it entirely. If there’s an issue with your ductwork, it may need to be replaced or cleaned.

Many of your AC issues can be fixed, but if you constantly book AC repair appointments, consider a new AC replacement.


AC Needs Frequent Repairs

It’s common for your AC to require repairs throughout its lifespan, but it’s not normal for it to need constant repairs and return visits from a technician. Frequent repairs on your AC can become expensive, to the point where those funds may be better spent on a new air conditioner replacement. 

Annual tune-ups can help your AC work efficiently, but a replacement may be a better option if your unit needs frequent repairs despite routine maintenance. Repairs can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars, so investing in a few can burn a hole in your pocket. 

One of the frequent issues you may run into with your AC is excessive loud and strange noises, which is another answer to “signs it’s time to replace my AC.”


AC Makes Strange and Loud Noises 

Your air conditioner will make some noises at start-up and while running, but loud and strange signs are never a good sign. Some noises indicate a serious problem with your AC that could lead to your needing to replace it. 

Clanking and loud grinding noises are just some of the strange sounds your AC can make. If anything sounds out of the ordinary, it’s best to have a technician come out and inspect your air conditioner. 


High Energy Bills

If your AC is contributing to your high utility bills, it’s best to find a more energy-efficient air conditioner to replace it with. Older ACs are more prone to raising energy bills due to their age.

ACs can have issues with internal parts, such as failures or defects, that can spike monthly energy bills. Newer air conditioners have improved their energy efficiency, so you can save money on utility bills instead of raising them.


How to Replace My AC?

There are plenty of signs that it’s time for an AC replacement. Now that you know the “top signs it’s time to replace my AC,” you can start to consider what type of air conditioner you should replace your current one with. With plenty of ACs in the market, you can search for one that best meets your home’s cooling needs.

At Monkey Wrench, we’ve seen air conditioners in bad conditions where a replacement is the only option. Even though other ACs can be fixed, we understand that it’s much better in the long run to choose a new one. With this in mind, we’ve helped replace ACs all over Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. 

If you’re interested in an AC replacement and live in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas, contact us using one of the buttons below. You can also book an appointment directly through our online AC scheduler

After you make the decision to replace your AC, it helps to understand what the costs are. Learn about the factors that affect how much an air conditioner costs. 

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