You get home and turn on your home’s heating and cooling system but start hearing strange sounds from the walls. After some time, you notice poor airflow aside from the noises. That’s when you realize there may be an issue with your home’s HVAC system, and you’re experiencing one of the signs it’s time for ductwork replacement.

These symptoms are just some common signs that you may need to replace the ductwork in your home. At Monkey Wrench Plumbing, Heating, Air & Electric, we’ve experienced these signs, among others, when inspecting heating and cooling systems in hundreds of homes all over Los Angeles. For over 15 years, we’ve successfully diagnosed ductwork and replaced it when necessary so homes can enjoy the warmth and cooling an HVAC unit can provide.

If you’re experiencing any of these problems with your ductwork, it’s recommended to consider replacing the ducts. The most common signs of replacing ductwork include:

  • Drop in indoor air quality
  • Old or damaged ductwork
  • Ductwork has bacterial growth
  • Poor airflow
  • Increased energy bills

We’ll review each factor so that by the end of this article, you’re fully aware of the common issues demonstrating a need for ductwork replacement.

Let’s get started!


How Do I Know If My Ductwork Needs to be Replaced?

You may experience any of the following symptoms, but the best way to confirm if you need to replace the ductwork is with an inspection and diagnosis from a technician. One to avoid potential ductwork issues is with annual maintenance to ensure it’s in fine working condition.

Still, there are signs to look out for throughout the year that may indicate it’s time for a replacement, starting with a decrease in indoor air quality.

Drop in Indoor Air Quality

A ductwork in poor condition may affect the air quality inside a home. Homeowners may notice surfaces throughout the home become dusty despite regular cleaning.

Old ductwork quickly builds up dust, which can be released through the vents whenever the heating and cooling system is turned on. Even with an air scrubber system installed, duct cleaning, and air filter replacements, worn-out ductwork will continue to harbor dust and debris.

Poorly sealed ducts will continue to spread dust and pollen, which can negatively impact health and cause an increase in allergies. By replacing the ductwork, homeowners can take the first step toward improving indoor air quality.

Besides a decrease in air quality, older or damaged ductwork should be another sign it’s time to replace it.


Ductwork Is Old or Damaged

Homeowners should consider replacing the ductwork in their home if it’s damaged or old. Ductwork can last 15 to 20 years, but homeowners should start thinking about replacing it after 10 years. Many of the materials that make up the ducts can begin to deteriorate and affect a heating and cooling system’s efficiency.

As ductwork ages, they’re more prone to damage and leaks, making a home’s HVAC unit work harder to achieve the desired temperature. Damaged ductwork can also affect airflow, causing some areas of a house to feel warmer or cooler or experience a lack of airflow in general.

Rodents and other pests can leave droppings or chew through the ducts, causing irreversible damage and requiring ductwork replacement. Although homeowners can take measures to protect their house’s ductwork, replacing the ducts once they are old and in poor working condition is still recommended.

Even if you don’t see any visible damage, bacterial growth may be present and require ductwork replacement.


Bacterial Growth Is Present in Ductwork

The presence of bacterial growth is a serious sign to replace ductwork. It can spread spores whenever an AC unit or furnace turns on and poses a serious health risk.

Homeowners may be able to detect the presence of bacterial growth by the musty smell it can give off. Although it’s possible for a technician to isolate the location where bacterial growth is present in the ducts, it may be best to replace it. Replacing ductwork infested can prevent future outbreaks from occurring.

A lack of airflow is another sign to pay attention to when considering when to replace the ductwork.


Poor Warm or Cool Airflow

A lack of cool or warm air or uneven temperatures in different parts of a home is another example of when it’s time for ductwork replacement. Ductwork with leaks, punctures, and dents can affect airflow and restrict it from evenly spreading throughout a home.

Ductwork has insulation inside to help retain heat. So, if the insulation of the ducts has deteriorated, it can also affect the heating efficiency of a central heating system.
In rare scenarios, new ductwork can be defective when transporting air. Whenever the airflow of an HVAC system is affected by the condition of the ductwork, it’s highly recommended that it be considered for replacement.

If you notice an increase in utility bills, it could be one last sign that the ductwork needs replacing.


Energy Bills Increased

Poor air ducts may lead to increased energy bills. Despite efforts to conserve energy with your HVAC system, inadequate ductwork can leak air and cause the unit to consume more power.

All ductwork has seals that prevent air from escaping. However, consider ductwork replacement if these seals are worn out and the rest of the ducts have gone through significant wear and tear. Replacing your current ducts with new ductwork may contribute to energy savings over time.


Is Replacing Ductwork Worth It?

If your home’s ductwork is experiencing any of the signs mentioned above, it’s highly recommended that you consider replacing it. Now that you have an idea of the most common symptoms for duct replacement, you can begin contacting a reputable HVAC company to help replace it.

Since 2007, we at Monkey Wrench Plumbing, Heating, Air & Electric have replaced ductwork in homes from Orange to Ventura County and everywhere in between. Throughout our experience, we’ve seen ductwork in all sorts of conditions where repairs are okay or replacements are necessary.

If you want a ductwork inspection to see if you need a replacement, contact us using one of the buttons below. You can also book an appointment with a certified HVAC technician through our HVAC online scheduler.

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