A Monkey Wrench technician lowering an HVAC unit onto the floor.

Depending on the problem your AC is experiencing, you may need to consider whether to invest in repairing or replacing your central cooling system. Although every scenario is different, the decision can be difficult and stressful for any homeowner. Several factors can help make this decision easier to navigate, however.

From minor repairs to brand-new installations, we’ve worked closely with the top central AC brands to better assist homeowners across Los Angeles in weighing the pros and cons of AC repairs versus replacement. After installing and repairing hundreds of air conditioners, we’ve seen what factors impact repair versus replacement.

Repairing your AC or deciding to go with a complete replacement are both worthy solutions for having cool air in your home. It’s important to consider the following factors when deciding whether to take the repair or replacement route. 

  • How old is your AC system?
  • Comparing AC repair versus replacement costs
  • Energy efficiency 
  • How often is your AC being repaired?

In this article, we’ll use the factors above to weigh out the advantages and disadvantages of repairing or replacing your air conditioner. In the end, you’ll be able to make a more informed decision that best fits your home’s cooling needs.


Factors to Consider When Deciding to Repair or Replace Central AC

The Age of Your Air Conditioner

Your air conditioning system’s age plays a key role in whether it should be replaced or repaired entirely. Central air conditioning systems have an average operating life of 12 to 20 years, but it’s generally recommended to start considering replacing it after 10 years. 

Air conditioners under 10 years old can have their lifespan extended if you decide to repair any issues instead of replacing them. A recently installed AC may also have existing warranties that can cover some of the repair costs, such as replacement parts. 

DIY and professional AC maintenance can help extend the life of your air conditioner and maintain its cooling efficiency. However, it cannot prevent normal wear and tear on the internal parts of an AC, which can start to break down after 10 years. 

Many components inside a central cooling system, such as the evaporator coil, compressor, and condenser coil, are designed to last a long time, but once they break down, your AC cannot produce cool air in some cases. These parts can be replaced, but it is costly. 

This is when you face another deciding factor in repairing or replacing the AC: the costs. 


AC Repair vs. New AC Installation Costs

In general, a new AC installation can cost much more upfront than repairing your AC. On the other hand, the combined costs of AC repairs throughout your cooling system’s lifespan may end up costing more than the lowest-priced air conditioner. 

Some AC repairs can cost a few hundred dollars to over $2,000, whereas a new air conditioning system installation can cost between $3,000 and over $15,000. Even if an AC repair seems more affordable upfront, your AC may still experience problems as it gets older, and the repair costs can increase.

Still, if your AC needs a minor repair, such as replacing a capacitor, it’s worth investing instead of committing to a brand-new AC installation. Repairing your old AC can help it produce cool air, but it may not alleviate increased energy consumption, which leads to higher energy bills. 

In the next section, we’ll review how energy efficiency is another important factor when deciding whether to repair or replace an AC. 


Energy Efficiency Concerns

Energy efficiency plays a prominent role in determining whether to replace or repair your air conditioner. Even if your current AC can keep your home cool, it can do so at the expense of higher energy bills. You can still repair your AC, but a newer, more energy-efficient system can provide you with long-term energy savings.

Recent standards and regulations have pushed manufacturers to develop more environmentally friendly air conditioners. To make it easier for homeowners, all ACs are measured with SEER ratings. The higher the rating, the more energy-efficient a cooling system is. If your current AC is over 10 years old, it may have a low SEER rating. 

Over 30 years ago, the federal government set the minimum SEER rating at 10. In 2006, it was raised to SEER 13. Recently, it was raised to SEER 14 in Los Angeles and the surrounding states.

Some manufacturers offer central air conditioning systems rated at SEER 20 and higher. Although these systems are more expensive upfront than lower-rated cooling units, they can be run during the summer without worrying too much about insane monthly energy bills. 

If frequent high energy bills sound scary, they can be a nightmare when combined with recurring AC problems. 


Frequency of Central AC Problems

In most cases, an AC repair is a one-and-done fix, but sometimes a unit may require multiple repairs that can have you questioning whether it’s best to continue fixing it or replacing it entirely. Repairs can occur a few times throughout the lifespan of your air conditioner, but if it feels like your unit needs minor and major repairs yearly, then it may make more sense to replace it entirely. 

Routine yearly maintenance from a technician can be a preventative measure to ensure your AC has a lower chance of encountering frequent problems. Neglecting care for your central cooling system can result in early breakdowns and electrical failure. 

Unfortunately, even proper care can’t prevent an AC from experiencing problems if a defective part is present. The newer an air conditioner is, the more likely it is to have a warranty, which can cover faulty parts and make repair costs more affordable. 


Is It Worth Replacing or Repairing My AC Unit?

With some companies offering financing, air conditioner repair versus replacement is worth considering. Furthermore, now that you know what factors play a part in choosing one over the other, you can make an informed decision with your home’s cooling needs in mind. 

As the go-to experts in heating and cooling, we’ve replaced and repaired hundreds of air conditioning systems throughout Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. We’ve seen cooling systems in all sorts of conditions and know when it’s appropriate to repair or replace them. 

If you need help determining whether to repair or replace your air conditioner, contact us using one of the buttons below. You can also book an appointment directly through our HVAC online scheduler.


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