Heat pump water heaters combine water-heating elements with a focus on being environmentally friendly. Aside from energy efficiency, these water heaters have other benefits homeowners can take advantage of, but what are they?

Since 2007, we at Monkey Wrench Plumbing, Heating, Air & Electric have kept up with any new technology launched in the water heater industry, such as heat pump water heaters. Our technicians are trained by the leading water heater manufacturers and have seen what different benefits these units can provide.

Heat pump water heaters can provide homeowners with the following benefits.

  • Excellent energy efficiency
  • Very durable
  • Money saver
  • Tax rebates available

By the end of this article, we’ll examine each benefit so that you can get a clearer idea of what heat pump water heaters offer. By sharing this insider information, you can decide whether this heat pump water heater is ideal for you and your home.

Let’s get started!

What Are the Advantages of a Heat Pump Water Heater?

With a heat pump water heater, homes in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas will have hot water on demand. This unit is designed to provide hot water, but how it produces hot water makes it stand apart from other water heating systems.

In the following section, we’ll look at how heat pump water heaters are highly energy efficient.

High Energy Efficiency

Heat pump water heaters are the most energy-efficient water heating systems in the field. Water heater efficiency is measured using the uniform energy factor (UEF), and heat pump water heaters have a rating of 4.07 UEF. That’s four times more efficient than the standard electric water heater.

Some heat pump water heater models are capable of using up to 75% less energy than electric water heaters. By relying on less energy, homeowners can help reduce their carbon footprint.

Thanks to its internal heat pump, heat pump water heaters can pull heat from the surrounding area and use it to heat the water. Although these units still require and use electricity, they still use less electricity than other water heaters that rely on electric power. A decreased reliance on your home’s electricity will lead to savings on your electric bill.

Aside from being highly efficient, heat pump water heaters are also very durable.


Heat pump water heaters are built to last and, in most cases, have a longer lifespan than conventional water heaters. Thanks to their design, the components inside the heat pump water heater are less likely to build up sediment.

Sediment buildup is common in traditional water heaters and can lead to early breakdowns. The heat pump water heaters contain parts that are less likely to corrode, which ensures the unit can continue to function for years and years. Other units may require constant repairs and part replacements, which can be costly for some homeowners.

Thanks to its efficiency and durability, homeowners may end up saving money with a heat pump water heater.

Saves Money

Thanks to their energy efficiency, heat pump water heaters can help homeowners save money on their electricity bills. The savings may not seem like a lot at first, but over time can accumulate. Heat pump water heaters can last anywhere from 10 to 13 years with potential savings of a few thousand dollars.

Whereas some traditional water heaters rely on gas to keep water heated and ready for use, heat pump water heaters do not use any gas at all. If your home currently has a conventional water heater, you will see firsthand how your gas bill may decrease by switching to a heat pump water heater.

Maintenance costs for a heat pump water heater can turn out lower than other water heating systems. By performing an annual water heater flush, homeowners can ensure their unit runs efficiently and avoid costly breakdowns.

In addition to saving money, homeowners can take advantage of tax rebates and incentives for switching to a heat pump water heater.

Qualifies For Tax Rebates

To incentivize homeowners to select more environmentally friendly options for their homes, governments have introduced tax rebates for heat pump water heaters. During tax season, homeowners can apply for these tax credits and claim up to 30% of the total cost or up to $2,000. The rebate offered for a heat pump water heater can lower the impact of the cost required to purchase one and have it installed.

The heat pump water heater must be purchased and installed between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2032. The credit only applies to water heater installations on existing homes and not newly constructed ones. The application for the tax credit must be submitted when a homeowner files their taxes.

For more information, it’s recommended to speak with a professional tax preparer to see how to apply.

Is a Heat Pump Water Heater Right for Me?

Heat pump water heaters may look like any traditional water heater, but the benefits it provides are different that the old water heater you may have in your home. Now that you know what these benefits are, you can confidently determine if a heat pump water heater is suitable for you and your family.

For over 15 years, we’ve worked with the top brands in the water heater industry. In that time, we’ve installed different new and improved water heaters and have been able to witness their pros and cons.

If you have any questions regarding heat pump water heaters, book an appointment online through our water heater scheduler or press the buttons below.

For a more thorough analysis of heat pump water heaters, check out this article to see how they compare against conventional and tankless water heaters. You can better understand which suits your home by comparing these different water heaters.

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