Installing or updating your HVAC system can be a chore. Pricing the right furnace can be equally frustrating as shopping for a new air conditioner. But it doesn’t have to take hours of shopping around to figure out the price of a new furnace.

We’ve installed all types of furnaces in Los Angeles homes and the surrounding homes. Different homeowners have varied preferences, and not everyone wants the same type of furnace. After handling every main type of furnace, we’re confident we have the know-how to give you some insight into furnace costs.

In this article, we cover:

  • How much a furnace costs
  • Types of furnaces
  • Factors that impact furnace cost

After reading through it, you’ll be able to go into the shopping process with a better understanding of furnace pricing and be able to speak confidently with an HVAC technician when getting an estimate.

How Much Does a Furnace Cost?

Furnace prices vary by type. For some homeowners, they have a specific type in mind. Other homeowners may choose a furnace type purely based on price alone. Either of these are fine options as long as the furnace suits your needs.

In broad strokes, a new furnace can cost between $3,500 and $15,000 for the furnace alone. Now, that’s a pretty huge range, but a number of factors play into why the cost can span from a meager investment to a serious one.

The most significant factor in determining the upfront cost of a furnace is the type of furnace.

Types of Furnace

There are three main types of furnaces: natural gas, electric, and oil. Each furnace type differs from the others in terms of price. Electric is the cheapest, followed by gas, and finally oil as the most expensive.

Natural Gas Furnace

Natural gas furnaces are some of the most popular models on the market. The relatively low cost of natural gas makes them easier on your wallet to operate, but the upfront investment for the unit alone can be pricey.

A natural gas furnace can run anywhere from $3,500 to $8,995. Other factors play into the cost of a new gas furnace, but those will be covered after you run through the types of furnaces.

If you live in California, it’s worth noting that the state is attempting to ban the sale of gas furnaces and water heaters by 2030. It doesn’t mean you’ll have to replace your current gas furnace or water heater right away, but when the time comes, you likely won’t be able to purchase another.

Electric Furnace

Electric furnaces aren’t as cheap to operate as gas furnaces due to electricity prices. But electric furnaces can be simpler to install than gas furnaces, meaning less total investment, including installation.

If you’re interested in an electric furnace, you can expect to shell out between $8,000 and $20,000. Like any other furnace type, multiple factors will bump this price well beyond just the cost of the unit.

Oil Furnace

Oil furnaces are not allowed in Los Angeles, so if you live in the area, it’s highly unlikely you’ll be seeing one of these around.

Oil furnaces operate fundamentally differently than the other two types of furnaces that rely on being connected to a constant supply of electricity or gas. Oil furnaces are tank-based, meaning you’ll have to fill and pay for fuel upfront before using the furnace.

If you plan on running an oil furnace, you can expect an investment of $5,000 to $10,000. Oil furnaces are the steepest of the bunch and don’t have the added convenience of a directly pumped energy or fuel source. The top end of the range refers to furnaces that are well beyond the needs of a typical home, so don’t panic just yet.

Now that you know a bit more about each furnace type and pricing, you’ll want to consider other factors that affect furnace price.

Factors That Impact Cost

There a plenty of other considerations to take into account when pricing out a new furnace. While the upfront cost of the furnace unit itself serves as a large chunk of the total cost, things like ductwork, installation, gas, and electrical work all have a heavy bearing on the cost.

Furnace Size

Like air conditioners, you’ll need to ensure your furnace is properly sized. Size refers to capacity in this case and is measured in BTUs (British Thermal Unit).

To calculate the size of your furnace, you’ll need to get in touch with a technician so there are no errors made. If you want to get a very rough estimate, take the total square footage and multiply it by 40. This will give you a rough estimate of the BTUs your home requires to be efficiently heated.

After a proper load calculation is done by a professional, the expected cost of your furnace unit may go up or down. It’s important to not oversize or undersize to ensure your home is heated properly.

Because this process is crucial to determining the best furnace fit for your home, it’s highly recommended that you let an HVAC technician do the heavy lifting. Technicians do these calculations daily and are familiar with the process, so it may pay off to trust their assessment and provide your findings as a reference.


Unless you’re an expert, it’s best to let a professional HVAC technician install your new furnace. Professional installation isn’t what you’d call cheap and can increase the cost of your furnace by thousands of dollars.

The installation costs can increase or decrease depending on what needs to be done. There’s also the fact that different installers have different pricing models. Some installers may charge flat rate labor while others will charge you hourly.


A major player in installing a new forced air furnace like a gas one is the necessary ductwork. Those who own an HVAC system won’t have to worry about this as much since there will be existing ductwork, but new HVAC owners will have to pay out for new ductwork.

Depending on how ductwork needs to be installed, you’ll also be looking at fixing drywall. This can tack on several hundred dollars in some cases. This may be a necessary evil to ensure your ductwork is laid out efficiently.

Ductwork will likely be rolled into the installation cost, but it’s a large enough factor to consider on its own.


There’s no getting around brand recognition, and the same goes for furnaces. In some cases, you’ll be spying for a name more than anything else. While this isn’t to say certain brands don’t deserve the acclaim, they will inherently run more than a cheaper quality option like Goodman.

If you’re going straight through an installer, then you may not have many brand choices on hand. If there’s a specific brand you’re looking for, then it’s best to ask the installer upfront if they use any models.

So, That’s How Much a Furnace Costs

After covering the costs of different furnaces on their own, the different types of furnaces, and factors that impact their pricing, you have a better idea of what to expect while shopping for a new furnace. With this information, you’ll be able to navigate conversations with HVAC technicians to get the most out of your new furnace.

We know that every installation is different and that many homeowners have different wants, needs, and expectations. That’s why we take a tailored approach to installing furnaces and other HVAC components. If you live in the Los Angeles area and need help installing a furnace, call us at (424) 622-4228 or visit our HVAC services page to book a consultation.

Furnaces account for just one component in an HVAC system. If you’re planning on doing a full HVAC install, it’ll be helpful for budgeting to get a handle on how much HVAC installation costs. Likewise, understanding the required upkeep of an HVAC system will help you avoid unexpected repair costs.

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